Cardinal Scipione Rebiba (1504 - 1577)
Ordination Day 4th November 2000
Dom Kevin, OSB
Dom Kevin, OSB was ordained on November 4th 2000 by Bishop Richard Palmer. He holds a Diploma in Pastoral Care from the University of Plymouth and read Theology at Durham University (St. Chad's College). He has also studied Radio Broadcasting and Production. He lives in Manchester but offers a ministry throughout the UK. All are welcome and none are refused. The Roman Catholic Church and Church of England refuse to marry LGBTQ people and Dom Kevin believes this is wrong. He trained for ministry with the Society of the Sacred Mission in Durham. He spent 23 years nursing in Mental Health. Dom Kevin is gay and came out when he was 15 years old. He founded St Benedict's UK in 2021 in order to offer the Sacraments of the Church to those who ask. His ordination caused outrage due to his sexuality and has received hate mail and death threats, this has not deterred him to minister to others. He believes the mainstream churches have let people down as they seem to serve no one but themselves. He is currently writing his book "IRREVERENT"
Mass Times:
Sunday: 12 Noon
Monday: 07: 30
Tuesday: 09: 00
Wednesday: 09: 00
Thursday: 09: 00
Friday: 09: 00
Saturday: 09: 00
The Divine Office
Lauds: 05.30
Terce: 10.00
Sext: 12.00
None: 15.00
Vespers: 18.00
Compline: 21.00
Monday - Saturday: As above
Order of St. Benedict (Old Catholic)
Titular Abbot of Winchester: The Most Rev Richard Palmer, OSB,
Titular Prior of Winchester: The Very Rev Dom Kevin, OSB
If you are interested and feel called to the religious life contact Dom , OSB
We are looking for a home to celebrate Mass and Pray the Offices. If you have public space we could use in Manchester we would be very grateful.
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