Order of St. Benedict (UK)


Abbot: The Most Rev Dom Richard, OSB

Prior: The Very Rev Dom Kevin, OSB Email:


The Order is an idea in the working. Monks and Nuns live either in community or living a solitary life. All monks live under the Rule of St. Benedict. Some may take the threefold vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience. Others, on the other hand, maybe married or living with their partner. This is a Benedictine order with a 'Fresh Approach'. We have had many enquiries. Should it be ordained by God, we are seeking a house to live in community and invite guests to pray with us. All will attend church (any denomination) and pray the Divine Office. Our Oblates pray the liturgy of hours of Morning, Evening and Night Prayer. This Order of ours is not going to be for everyone, but pray and give it a go. Contact Dom Sebastian if you have any questions.


Order of St. Benedict (USA)


Prior: Dom Stephen Therese, OSB Email:





The Most Rev Dom Richard, OSB, Abbot

The Very Rev Dom Kevin, OSB, Prior

Dom Stephen Therese, OSB, Novice Master

The Rt. Rev Dom Thomas, OSB


Novices: Live the life according to St. Benedict for two years. All Novices come under the care of the Novice Master

Br Samuel



Postulants: Live the religious life for six months, contact us for further details. Postulants recite the Divine Office of Morning, Evening and Night Prayer


Oblates: All are welcome. Please pray and see how God directs your heart. Ask St. Benedict to pray for our order and yourself. Purchase a copy of the Rule of St. Benedict, our members study it daily. Remember 'Prefer absolutely nothing to the Love of Christ'. 




Do you feel God is calling you to the religious life? Do you have the courage to try something new. Please contact us for further details. In all things 'Prefer absolutely nothing to the love of Christ.



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